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They work to sell more in tourism

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They work to sell more in tourism

The tourism sector of Guanajuato is trained to make the most of the exhibitions Everyone is invited to consult the calls for training, certificati

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The tourism sector of Guanajuato is trained to make the most of the exhibitions

Everyone is invited to consult the calls for training, certification and competitiveness actions in 2023

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Silao/Gto News

The Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato, through the Directorate of Tourism Competitiveness, gave the keynote speech “How to get the most out of participation as an exhibitor in the framework of events and tourism fairs”, with the participation of 92 agents of the tourism value chain from 15 municipalities.

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This training, given by the instructor Julio Valdes, was held on February 15, as part of the “State Training Program 2023” and on the eve of the participation of agents of the value chain in the Tianguis Turistico 2023, an event that will be held this year in Mexico City and will be attended by the tourism sector and municipal representatives of Guanajuato.

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This action was carried out with the goal of paying attention to one of the great challenges of the organization of fairs and exhibitions, which is to ensure that the companies that exhibit their destinations, products and services meet their objectives, as well as generate sales.

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Julio Valdes, a member of different associations of the tourism industry for events and exhibitions at a national and international level, has trained more than 2 thousand companies on how to successfully participate in the development of Fairs and Exhibitions in different cities of Mexico and Central America; and this year he trained the Guanajuato sector in order to increase sales at exhibitions.

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The session was attended by tourism directors, tour operators, committees of magical towns, associations and providers of tourism services in general, from the municipalities of Dolores Hidalgo CIN, Leon, Irapuato, Salvatierra, Manuel Doblado, Celaya, San Luis de la Paz, Guanajuato, Comonfort, San Miguel de Allende, San Felipe, San Diego de la Union, San Jose Iturbide, Abasolo and Purisima del Rincon.

Hugo Ramirez Duarte, Director of Tourism Competitiveness, on behalf of Juan Jose Alvarez Brunel, Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato, mentioned the importance of developing skills in favor of a greater capacity for planning, negotiation and greater results when participating in fairs and tourist flea markets.

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Ramirez Duarte invited all the agents of the value chain to check the calls for training, certification and competitiveness actions that are scheduled for 2023, which can be consulted at:

  • https:// page. sectur.guanajuato.gob.mx/apoyos/

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