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They work for a more secure realty sector

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They work for a more secure realty sector

The Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, Sophia Huett Lopez, takes part in the regular work session of the –AMPI- the Mexican Ass

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The Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, Sophia Huett Lopez, takes part in the regular work session of the –AMPI- the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals

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Leon/Gto News

Sophia Huett López, participated in the ordinary work session of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals -AMPI-, chaired by Juan Pablo Ruenes Torres and called them to work to make the sector more secure.

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In her speech, she noted the importance of adopting preventive measures in the management of social networks, virtual kidnapping and extortion, information that she asked to replicate in workplaces and family circles, to avoid being the victim of a criminal act of this type.

Guanajuato, said the Secretary, has in Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, a dedicated governor who is concerned about addressing security issues, who works to make things go on, for the State to have a rule of law and that the Law is enforced without distinction.

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Huett Lopez pointed out the importance of promoting the report of criminal activities, providing as much information as possible, learning about the modalities of cybercrime, and above all as a sector, maintaining constant and direct communication that lets them shield themselves from crime.

Also, keep informed about the many mechanisms related to the Federal Law of Asset Forfeiture, and the crimes that make it susceptible to its application; in addition to the application of effective prevention measures that minimize or make it difficult for real estate to be used for illegal purposes.

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Huett pointed out the importance of adding clauses or requirements, which protect both the agents in their persons and the property, before the possible application of the Asset Forfeiture Law, suspicion of excessive advance payments, participation of third parties and if it is necessary, go with public notaries who ratify the contracts.

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