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They want to settle and manufacture in Guanajuato

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They want to settle and manufacture in Guanajuato

An orthopedics products company, Corentec is analyzing to start operations in Guanajuato Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en espa

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An orthopedics products company, Corentec is analyzing to start operations in Guanajuato

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Seoul, South Korea/Gto News

The delegation from Guanajuato headed by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, and Ramon Alfaro Gomez, Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development, met with executives of the South Korean company Corentec.

Corentec South Korea Investment Guanajuato 3

It is a global orthopedic company that offers high value products; its CEO, Sun Seung-Hoon, expressed interest in installing a production plant in America, although they already have the Fixier/Dipromedic subsidiary since 2019 in Doctor Mora, Guanajuato.

In Doctor Mora, Corentec, through its subsidiary, manufactures orthopedic gear and in a good relationship with Corentec so that they manufacture components with its technology.

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