‘Open the Door to Your Future’, is the program in which public servants promote the return of Guanajuatenses to the classrooms Guanajuato/Gto News
‘Open the Door to Your Future’, is the program in which public servants promote the return of Guanajuatenses to the classrooms
Guanajuato/Gto News
Nearly a thousand public servants took to the streets as part of the day of the “Open the Door to your Future” campaign to reintegrate girls, boys, adolescents and young people into the educational system, ensuring that no student is left without the opportunity to study.

This initiative, aligned with the Decalogue of the Government of the People and the “Guanajuato is a Vocation” axis, reaffirms the State’s commitment to education as a driver of social progress. In coordination with the Ministry of Security, the Youth Institute and INAEBA, their work focuses on transforming lives.

An inspiring example is Jennifer, from the community of Gomez de Orozco in Abasolo, who, at 19 years old and mother of two girls, has decided to return to her studies to finish high school and aspire to study Biotechnology Engineering.
In Acambaro, Sofia, who had dropped out of primary school, will return to classes at the Independencia Nacional school, with the support of her mother, Alondra Mejia.
Sandra, another recovered student in Acambaro, was motivated by the visit of the scouts: “Today I know that I am not just another student; I understand that I am important when I see that they came to invite me to continue studying. That is why I am returning to high school.”

Another motivating case is Elian, a boy from Leon who will return to third grade of primary school, and whose mother, Magaly, expressed her joy for this new opportunity.
Valeria, from Jose Maria Luis Mora elementary school in Celaya, will also return to school after facing economic difficulties, with the dream of becoming a nurse.

Also Ashley, a teenager from Acambaro, will join the second grade of telesecundaria, convinced that it is never too late to continue her education.
In this final phase of the day, the scouts, trained public servants, walked the streets with the challenge of visiting 20 thousand homes in the 46 municipalities of Guanajuato.

Lorena Aidee Estrada Cruz, an experienced advisor in San Luis de la Paz, emphasizes: “Education is essential for a better future.”
Israel Pena Arteaga also highlights the gratitude of the families for recovering their right to education, while Rodolfo Prieto Nieto highlights the positive impact that the team’s efforts will have on the community.

In the last three years, a total of 39,359 homes have been visited, resulting in the reintegration of 9,284 students, with a retention rate of 81.2%. However, the work of the advisors does not end with the return to school; their commitment extends to ongoing monitoring to ensure that each student has the necessary conditions for a sustainable education.