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The State Government promotes Guanajuato commerce

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The State Government promotes Guanajuato commerce

The Governor announced that investment in commerce will double this year with 80 million pesos for this sector More than 10 thousand 900 economic

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The Governor announced that investment in commerce will double this year with 80 million pesos for this sector

More than 10 thousand 900 economic units have been supported so far in this State administration, he informed

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Silao/Gto News

“I want to endorse a commitment with you, the commitment not to abandon you, the commitment not to leave you alone, to work shoulder to shoulder with all businesses in Guanajuato, because they represent an engine of the economy of our State”, said Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo as he participated in the Commerce Day meal.

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In this celebration in Silao the Governor announced that the budget for the Guanajuato commerce sector will double this year, going from 40 million pesos to 80 million pesos.

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“Thanks to all of you because you have been a fundamental part of this Government. The origin is not forgotten, I do not forget where we come from and I do not forget who brought me here, the people of commerce who were a key piece for us to be able to govern this wonderful State. I want to show my gratitude with work, with effort, that is why we have to redouble our efforts”, said Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.

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The Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development, Ramon Alfaro Gomez, recognized the work of this economic sector, highlighting the efforts of families in the tianguis and markets.

“Throughout the years we have always recognized popular commerce as part of our tradition, our culture, the livelihood of our families and the boost to the economy,” said Alfaro Gomez.

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Present at this meeting with representatives of the commerce sector, the Secretary of Social and Human Development, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, endorsed the support for the merchants from the social, solidarity and non-assistance policy of the State Government.

“I want to tell you that you are counting on us, that Guanajuato’s commerce is the pride of our State and we are very happy to be able to share today with the women and men who are building this State, who get up to work and who are an example of the culture of effort”, said Libia Dennise.

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Commerce in Guanajuato:

  • In Guanajuato there are 222,969 economic units
  • The commerce sector represents 48.3%
  • It employs 108,616 people throughout Guanajuato
  • In the case of the supply sector of the popular segment
  • There are 440 tianguis-plazas in Guanajuato
  • With 80,000 merchants
  • 129 Public Markets
  • With more than 24,000 merchants
  • 4 Supply Centers
  • With 1,800 merchants

Upon the current conditions and their needs for infrastructure, security, commercial image and traditional commercial practices, the Social Supply Centers face competitive challenges, therefore, in order to promote modernization and increase competitiveness and profitability, the infrastructure of both tianguis and street markets is improved.


The State Government, through the Secretary for Sustainable Economic Development –SDES-, has launched the “Mi Plaza” Supply Center Modernization Program.

This program has directly impacted the increase in the number of customers and the increase of new customers, and therefore an increase in sales and an increase in income.

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Since 2007 to 2023, with the Implementation of the “Mi Plaza” Supply Center Modernization Program, resources have been granted for the improvement of the Supply Centers of the State of Guanajuato, with a total amount of 814.1 millions of pesos.

Among the support that stand out are infrastructure, image, equipment, training and minor maintenance.

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In addition to the support granted in equipment, productive image, business training and infrastructure, in coordination with other instances and Secretaries of the State Government, it is linked for support, loans, Grandeza Vouchers, scholarships, food supplies, among others.

More than 10 thousand 900 economic units have been supported so far in the current state administration with equipment, training and image.

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“It is from well-born people, to be grateful. And I have nothing but gratitude for the people of commerce, first, because that is where I come from, proudly the son of merchants”, the Governor expressed before more than 5,000 attendees to the Commerce Day gathering.

With the Governor in this celebration were Aldo Marquez Becerra, Undersecretary of Operations for Social and Human Development; and Froylan Salas Navarro, Undersecretary of Development for MiPyMEs of the Secretary for Sustainable Economic Development.

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