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The ’Make it Viral’ contest is launched

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The ’Make it Viral’ contest is launched

Contestants can win prizes for: First place, 50 thousand pesos; Second place, 30 thousand pesos; and Third place 20 thousand pesos This is the onl

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Contestants can win prizes for: First place, 50 thousand pesos; Second place, 30 thousand pesos; and Third place 20 thousand pesos

This is the only contest in Mexico that rewards valuable content on social networks

Mexico City/Gto News

The Government of Guanajuato launched the national call for the “Make it Viral 2024” contest, the only one of its kind that rewards the creation of valuable content on social networks.

“What we are looking for with this event is for young people to participate, because in the Government of Guanajuato we believe that young people always have something to say and are always looking for ways to communicate it,” said Araceli Reyes Marquez, Director of the Institute for Development and Attention to Youth of the State of Guanajuato -JuventudEsGTO-.

Alan Sahir Marquez Becerra, General Coordinator of Social Communication, invited people to participate in this contest to demonstrate the creativity of young Mexicans. “In the previous edition we had 3,500 contestants, for this edition we are expecting 10,000 contestants. We are going to do a very big event with many young people. In the last edition we had 800 registered contents and we want more to register this year”, said Marquez.

The call includes 7 categories:

  • Business
  • Content with a cause
  • GTO Greatness content
  • Prevention
  • Protection of the environment
  • Sports
  • Innovation and Mindfacture
  • Besides a special recognition will be awarded to the Most Viral content

Registration will be open starting June 11 and until August 11, young people aged 18 and over from all over the country will be able to participate.

The content will have to be created and uploaded on any of the platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok, Snapchat or YouTube, with one-minute videos, where one of the 7 categories is addressed. 

The GTO Greatness category is the only one exclusively for young Guanajuatenses and is required to promote the cultural, gastronomic, tourist and historical wealth of the State.

For this year, the awards event will feature keynote conferences on August 28, 29 and 30 at the Poliforum Leon, with the participation of renowned influencers from all over the country, such as:

  • Jimy Alvarez, Jessica Marmolejo, Nacho Llantada, Alan por el Mundo, Luis Garcia, Lilian Alvarez, among other. In addition, there will be a concert by singer Danna Paola.

The prizes for the 7 main categories will be:

  • First place, 50 thousand pesos
  • Second place, 30 thousand pesos
  • Third place, 20 thousand pesos
  • In recognition to the most Viral, 50 thousand pesos will be awarded