You can use alternative roads and avoid delays and accidents during the construction of the bridge on the Federal Road 45 Authorities call drivers
You can use alternative roads and avoid delays and accidents during the construction of the bridge on the Federal Road 45
Authorities call drivers to be careful with the federal construction
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Leon/Gto News
Starting May 30th the Secretary of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport –SICT- in Guanajuato, starts the construction of the bridge on the Federal Road 45 in the junction with Comanjilla.

The local Government of Leon calls drivers to be careful during their trips, and if posible use alternative roads, because traffic will be reduced from 3 to 2 lanes during the construction.

Alternative roads you can use from Leon to Silao are:
- Boulevard Jose Maria Morelos, Juan Alonso de Torres, Delta, La Luz, to go to Eje Metropolitano
From Silao to Leon:
- Go through Puerto Interior and connect to Eje Metropolitano to boulevard La Luz and boulevard Juan Alonso de Torres

To keep users and construction workers safe SICT set up speed controls to avoid accidents.
The Project consists of:
- Construction of a bridge on the Leon to Silao lanes on Federal road 45 at the junction with Comanjilla
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