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The “District Leon Mx” is here

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The “District Leon Mx” is here

Members promote the improvement of the urban image, the integral development and the use of buildings within the previous Poligono de la Feria A n

District MX opens its new venues
The all new ‘District Leon Mx’
Cultural Forum and Leon MX District sign agreement

Members promote the improvement of the urban image, the integral development and the use of buildings within the previous Poligono de la Feria

A new organism reunites the groups that have activities and operate in the District Leon Mx

Leon/Gto News

Governor of Guanajuato Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, was present at the ceremony where the “District Leon Mx” was created with the goal of promoting the improvement of the urban scenery, the integral development and the use of strategic buildings that are within what once was the “Poligono de la Feria” a landmark in Guanajuato.


A historical day

“Today is a historical day for the City for two fundamentak reasons; first because it is an important step to make of Leon a place of attraction of knowledge”, said the Governor.

Countries that attract knowledge, are countries that have a great chance to develop technology and innovation; “here, we will have a more attractive District because the 68 hectareas of the place, will have a more important potential and hence the quality of life of people will be improved”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

District Leon Mx 2
The agreement was signed in Leon, Guanajuato

A space for all

“And second”, said the Governor, “there will be social justice, that is, citizens of this City will enjoy better services and better public spaces with quality like the Fair, the Cultural Forum, the Poliforum, the Explora Park and the Soccer Stadium”, said the Governor.

“People will be able to enjoy this space for free all year, enjoy artistic and cultural events”, said the Governor.

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More resources for the District

Rodriguez Vallejo said that there will be more resources to promote the District, noting the case of the Poliforum de Leon. Because this District is the ideal place to provide services and attract business, trade, and other economic, cultural and tourist activities in Leon, the State of Guanajuato and the Central area of Mexico.

“Guanajuato is on its feet, it reinvents thanks to the will of all who participate in the integration of this District Leon Mx that is already part of the Greatness of Guanajuato”, noted the Governor.

District Leon Mx 3
More promotion, more resources, more actions and events for the District Leon Mx

A new concept is born

State and Local Authorities joined Officials of Institutions and Associations of groups that operate in the District in the signing of the agreement that brings to life this new concept.

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