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The celebration of Independence starts in Dolores

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The celebration of Independence starts in Dolores

All sectors of society are called to fight for the ideals left to us by the women and men who gave us peace and freedom State, federal and municip

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All sectors of society are called to fight for the ideals left to us by the women and men who gave us peace and freedom

State, federal and municipal authorities present the National Holidays Program by Solemn Announcement of the 214th Anniversary of National Independence

Dolores Hidalgo, Cradle of National Independence/Gto News

Guanajuato and Mexico call upon us to continue the permanent struggle regardless of the challenges or circumstances that exist. We have the strength and conviction to exalt the legacy of the women and men who gave us peace and freedom.

This was highlighted by the Secretary of Government, Jesús Oviedo, when leading, together with state, federal and municipal authorities, the civic ceremony of the Layout of the Program of National Holidays by Solemn Announcement of the 214th Anniversary of National Independence in Dolores Hidalgo.

“Guanajuato is called to continue being a key piece of the present and future history of this great country, because Guanajuato is and will be the Greatness of Mexico. In Guanajuato, we will continue writing history because we are a proactive state in solidarity and committed work, so that Mexico can face the challenges it has without social or economic division,” said Oviedo Herrera.

He stressed that in our state this responsibility is assumed by families, so that they have access to safe environments where values ​​are fostered and, above all, spaces where their rights and freedoms are respected.

“In Guanajuato, we believe in unity as a society, a starting point to face the challenges that arise in the state and the country. Here we all participate, we do not sit back and do nothing. We have to renew those values ​​of solidarity and participation that have characterized us as a nation.”

“It is an invitation to all sectors of society not to give up and to continue promoting a better state and a better country. It is a permanent invitation to continue fighting for our ideals and rights, just as those women and men did throughout the history of Guanajuato,” he emphasized.

The Secretary of Government pointed out that the institutions that give us the rule of law, respect for federalism and democracy must be protected and supported.

“We have the responsibility as citizens and authorities to continue fighting for equality, justice, plurality, tolerance and inclusion, fundamental values ​​for a healthy democratic coexistence”, said the Secretary.

In the ceremony, State, Federal and Municipal authorities inaugurated various exhibitions at the Dolores Hidalgo Museum among which stand out: Association of Painters with the Mouth and with the Foot, Friday of Dolores and Virginia Soto Rodríguez “It is Time for Women”.