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The Auto Supply Virtual Forum is presented

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The Auto Supply Virtual Forum is presented

The event was presented by the State Governor and will occur from September 17th to the 30th The Governor praised the Auto Cluster in Guanajuato,

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The event was presented by the State Governor and will occur from September 17th to the 30th

The Governor praised the Auto Cluster in Guanajuato, which is considered one of the most important in Latin America

Leon/Gto News

As part of the efforts made by the State Government and the entrepreneurial community to reactivate the economy of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, the State Governor, headed the launching of the 7th Edition of the Auto Supply Forum.

This year the Forum wil be held virtually from September 17th to the 30th, its motto is “September, Month of Supply”.


A great commitment

“Today we have problems and opportunities. We have a great commitment, recover our economic dynamism”,said the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo noted that one of the aspects that “we are more proud of in the Guanajuato Auto Cluster, is its people”.

Given the affectation of Covid 19 to the world markets, the entrepreneurs of the Guanajuato Auto Cluster, have adopted health protective measures for the economic reactivation. And they have done it in a responsible and organized form, said the Governor.

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The Auto Suppy Forum is in September

The benefits of USMCA

Just as well, said Rodriguez, they are already perceiving the opportunities as the USMCA came into effect.

Rodriguez Vallejo said that to take advantage of these opportunities, we must be better prepared in the technological part, besides promoting the business networks, which is what the Cluster is doing with this Virtual Forum of Auto Supply.

The goal is to link the local and national supply with the auto industry, said the Governor who noted that last year the Forum registered more than 5,200 visiting entrepreneurs, from 24 States of Mexico and 11 countries.

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Ready and planned

This year, there will be business meetings with big companies, networking and a cycle of conferences, which we are sure will be very successful, noted the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo praised the members of the Auto Cluster, which is considered as one of the most important in Latin America, “it is a pride for Guanajuato and for Mexico”, said the Governor.

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Authorities and supply companies are working together

All are important elements

The president of the Guanajuato Auto Cluster, Rolando Alaniz Rosales, said that this sector generates an important drive for the economic development of the State, since they are 3,200 Guanajuatense companies the ones that add on to the supply in this chain in a direct or indirect way.

Also, this cluster generates 185,000 jobs, said Alaniz Rosales who said that in September there will be different activities in a joint action with the State Government to support the local industry and one of them is the Virtual Forum of Auto Supply.

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“The Auto Cluster in Guanajuat is considered as one of the most important in Latin America, and that is a pride for Guanajuato and for Mexico”

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, Governor of Guanajuato

Great expectations

For the 7th Edition of this Forum, they expect more than 130 buying companies; more than 2,500 specialized companies in direct and indirect supply and services both national and international, and business networking, said Alanis There will be virtual business meetings with big companies, networking and conferences.

The registry to be part of this forum will be open to the public starting August 3rd on:

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