The Fair grounds in Leon have now improved premises and better locations for fairgoers to enjoy The all new District Leon MX The premises will
The Fair grounds in Leon have now improved premises and better locations for fairgoers to enjoy

The premises will promote Leon as a better national and international business place
Leon/Gto News
Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, was present as new construction at the Poligono Leon MX were handed over to the Municipality of Leon, these premises add on to the Poliforum, the State Leon Fair Grounds, the Cultural Forum and the Explora Park.

A good investment
These public works had an investment for 232.8 million pesos and they were made over a land of 38,418 square meters, among plazas and buildings with easy to use buildings. Only last Wednesday the protocolary act witnessed the birth of the District Leon Mx.
“Today we give a great step forward to project the identity of District Leon Mx, because with the public works we are handing over today, we complete the urban scene and the integral development of this great place”, said the Governor.

A benefit for all
This new premises will benefit some 5 million visitors to the Leon State Fair and some 2 million people from Leon throughout the year.
“District Leon Mx is called to be a symbol and an ideal place for the promotion of the trade, economic and tourist development of Leon”, said the Governor.

Adding potential
These are premises, explained the Governor, that become part of the already existing buildings of this place, and they add a potential and capacity of services and attention to visitors.

Artistic and cultural events
It will be a more attractive district because its 68 hectareas will now have a more important potential and the people from Leon will have better services and will have quality public spaces, besides it will be a space that will be available for all people throughout the year, so they can enjoy artistic and cultural events, and it will be the ideal place to provide services and trade, economic, tourist and cultural attraction for the Municipality, the State and the region.
The premises handed over to Leon have space for restaurants and bars, it is a construction in two levels, with 6 spaces for restaurants, 3 spaces for bars and 10 spaces for fast food and 2 elevators.

A service building
Another building that was handed over was a three level service building for personnel with restrooms and showers, shipping space, and boilers among other. In the first level there is an industrial kitchen with refrigeration, an eating space for employees and restrooms, the second level is an area for the Leon Fair Council, with restrooms, elevators and forklift space.
Outdoors there are maneuver patios, parking spaces for suppliers and personnel, walkways, bridges and stairs. The main entrance and waiting area to the Fair is broader now, and it has 2 shippi g areas and 7 new ticket booths with cutting edge technology.

Improved areas
In the North Plaza the pavement is all new, it has new lightning with LED technology and vegetation was replaced in more than 1,455 square meters within the premises.
“Leon is a great city of which we all feel really proud. With actions like these, I am sure that its projection will reach world levels, as it happens when it is the site of great internationals events”, said the Governor.

“What we are doing is to consolidate the infrastructure and the urban scene, this is something that is very important in the great cities of the world”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

The Stadium area
The Governor expressed his wish that the Municipality of Leon acquires the land of the actual Leon Stadium and this way have the District Leon MX complete, for Guanajuatenses to enjoy.
“You have my support, both economic and moral, to acquire the 6 hectares of the Leon Stadium. It must not be permitted that that land is in the middle of interests akin to the public interest. I am asking you that with a firm decision the Municipality acquires the land for the use and enjoyment of the inhabitants of this city”, said the Governor.
“We are, as a team going to acquire this land, so that it is a reality and there are 68 complete hectares of District Leon MX”
Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo
Governor of Guanajuato