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Temporary Families role is recognized

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Temporary Families role is recognized

The social work done by the First Generation that Integrates the Temporary Family Program is of great help for Guanajuatense minors, said Adriana Ram

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The social work done by the First Generation that Integrates the Temporary Family Program is of great help for Guanajuatense minors, said Adriana Ramirez

Leon/Gto News

The System for the Integral Development of the Family -DIF- and the State Attorney’s Office for the Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents -PEPNNA-, recognized the social work of the Guanajuatenses who make up the First Generation Foster Family program.

During the First Annual Meeting of Temporary Families, the President of the Advisory Council of the State DIF System, Adriana Ramirez Lozano, noted the work that is carried out in collaboration with PEPNNA through the GUIA Alliance Strategy, who seek temporary alternative care for girls, children or adolescents, who for some reason cannot live with their family of origin or their legal situation is in process.

In this way, they seeks to provide girls, boys and adolescents without parental care, a transitional home while their legal situation is resolved; either to reintegrate with their family of origin or extended family or to be adopted.

As part of the commemoration of the International Foster Care Day, certified foster families (with active or waiting foster care) were recognized for the great value they contribute to society, by restoring the right of children and adolescents to live as a family to those who are deprived of parental care or at risk of losing it.

Adriana Ramirez Lozano thanked the Guanajuato residents who joined this important program and managed to guarantee the right for children and adolescents to live and grow as a family; “Since they are the basis of society, that is why it is important that girls, boys and adolescents who are under their care feel loved or supported in a nucleus of love and respect.”

“We continue walking on this route where we have had great allies such as the Social Assistance Houses; before adopting Alianza GUIA, we did not know the follow-up that was given to institutionalized children and adolescents, but we began to investigate, to prepare ourselves to continue growing and to bet on them, it was there that we investigated various models and where we had a decentralized Attorney’s Office where we gave it a greater capacity to grow,” said Adriana Ramirez.