The elementary school Constitucion in Aguas Buenas, in Silao, is an example of the application of technologies to improve learning Da click e
The elementary school Constitucion in Aguas Buenas, in Silao, is an example of the application of technologies to improve learning
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Silao/Gto News
With an enrollment of 206 students of the “Constitucion” elementary school, in the community of Aguas Buenas, of this Municipality, it stands out for the application of education technologies that favor learning among its students.

Luis Gilberto Granados Lara, director of the school, said that the importance of applying technology in education is linked to the transformation and advances that society requires to continue with the formation of better trained professionals.

Granados said that what was learned in these years of pandemic, regarding the use of information and communication technologies, is what would have been learned in 10 years, “for this reason today digital technology is a basic tool in the education process of girls, boys and adolescents”, added the mentor.

The director of this school, led the group that welcomed the Delegate of Region IV of Education, based in Irapuato, Juan Luis Saldana Lopez, who was informed about the innovative and updated pedagogical processes to support and strengthen the learning of the students of the campus.

Saldana Lopez, witnessed how the fourth grade student, Dorian Tadeo Hernandez, built a house based on a digital platform called Google SketchUp, which is used by the student to build houses and buildings in 3D model.

Dorian Tadeo, expressed that this application was taught to him by the teacher Luis during the Easter holiday period, and today this digital tool is mastered with creativity, “I learn by playing, and I have fun producing a series of images of how I want to have my home one day”, said Tadeo.
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