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Tag: Women

1 2 330 / 30 POSTS
<strong>Building leadership of women in security</strong>

Building leadership of women in security

The course on “Women's Leadership in Security Institutions” is presented The study is coordinated by the Executive Secretary of the State Public S [...]
<strong>Women in the Industry of the Future are trained</strong>

Women in the Industry of the Future are trained

The 4th Industrial Revolution takes Guanajuato directly to Mindfacture, and that needs qualified personnel and women are already being trained Da [...]
Sophia Huett is at IWF with world leaders

Sophia Huett is at IWF with world leaders

The Executive Secretary of the State Security System, Sophia Huett Lopez, was at the World Conference of the “International Women’s Forum –IWF-, in L [...]
Guanajuato is ready for a woman governor

Guanajuato is ready for a woman governor

The Governor of Guanajuato said that the State is ready to be governed by a woman Diego Sinhue Rodríguez was at the event “Women who Inspire” [...]
Celebrating women

Celebrating women

On this day and all days we wish to recognize all hard working and honest women who are watching close for their families and themselves Those wom [...]
IEC celebrates the art of women

IEC celebrates the art of women

Guanajuatense creators are honored in March and many scenarios and cities present their works You can enjoy the artistic presentations, many of th [...]
Citizens participation makes Guanajuato successful

Citizens participation makes Guanajuato successful

The Governor is witness to the swearing in ceremony of women entrepreneurs AMEXME chapter Leon has a new Board of Directors Leon/Gto News [...]
Entrepreneur women have a notorious leadership

Entrepreneur women have a notorious leadership

Cecilia Ovalle Rios is the new President of AMEXME Chapter Leon, the Mexican Association of Entrepreneur Women AC Ale Gutierrez, the Mayor of [...]
Oct 4-10: World Space Week

Oct 4-10: World Space Week

All countries, institutions, groups, companies, schools, teachers, are invited to attract everybody to space study UN declared just like it do [...]
Women move the economy in Guanajuato

Women move the economy in Guanajuato

SDES promotes the 1st Virtual Entrepreneurial Forum AMEXME Their goal is to work together to strengthen the economic activity in Guanajuato and ge [...]
1 2 330 / 30 POSTS