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Tag: visual Arts

MIQ calls to create art based in the Quixote

MIQ calls to create art based in the Quixote

The Iconografico del Quijote Museumn invites all to participate in its 2024 visual arts competitions Guanajuato/Gto News In order to promote ar [...]
FIC presents Brazil and Oaxaca

FIC presents Brazil and Oaxaca

Brazil and Oaxaca are the guests of honor of the 52nd edition of the International Cervantino Festival from October 11 to the 27th Culture unites [...]
The 51st edition of the Cervantino is here

The 51st edition of the Cervantino is here

The US Ambassador in Mexico and the Governor of Sonora were in the inauguration event as Country and State guests of honor Diego Sinhue welcomes m [...]
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