Tag: virtual
UVEG and UPB join forces and sign alliance
This alliance will promote the participation of new opportunities for the educational community
Joint work will be done in the organization of ins [...]
New education model presented at Grandeza UVEG
The Institution has a celebration as part of the of the activities of the 200 years of Greatness of Guanajuato
Guanajuato/Gto News
In order to [...]

Secretaries and Universities united for high-end education
Guanajuato will promote world-class education with the "100 million apprentices" initiative
The program brings closer high quality courses that wi [...]

International Carpet Makers arrive in Uriangato
Uriangato has been proudly placed internationally with flower rugs made here with faith and devotion for the patron saint San Miguel Arcangel
The [...]

UVEG celebrates 1,624 graduates
They add UVEG graduates from Guanajuato, Mexico and the world
Virtual classrooms, the answer for the productive sectors
Da click en el link al [...]

A virtual festival for ‘El Rey’
The International Festival Jose Alfredo Jimenez is held this year in a digital format
The 11th edition of the Festival will be a unique editio [...]

The Cervantino Festival is here
More than 800 national and international artists will perform for the public, who will see in a virtual form the best of culture and art
The F [...]

ANPIC: A virtual Fall/Winter
On November 3rd, 4th and 5th suppliers have their event on digital media
The Suppliers event broadens the possibilities bringing more puerveyors t [...]

The Auto Supply Virtual Forum is presented
The event was presented by the State Governor and will occur from September 17th to the 30th
The Governor praised the Auto Cluster in Guanajuato, [...]
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