Tag: TraveltoGuanajuato
Skills are recognized with micro-credentials
The Secretary of Economy is promoting this initiative for the practical recognition of skills and occupations
They seek to improve the labor marke [...]
Mixed cells are deployed in Towns of the Rincon
As part of the CONFIA program proximity security actions benefited more than 160 people with interviews, recommendations and social support
382 pe [...]
Guanajuato leads Mexico in Meetings Tourism
Infrastructure and professionalism stand out in the six specialized destinations for this type of tourism
More than 198 events in 2023 position Gu [...]
Entrepreneurs are engine of prosperity in Guanajuato
The People's Government works to improve the lives of Guanajuatenses with self-employment projects
The Secretary of Economy provides in-kind suppo [...]
Academia Juventudes, an ally for development
Those interested will be able to access online, you can progress at your own pace and access podcasts, courses, workshops and education capsules
M [...]
SECAM provides drones to farmers in Penjamo
Secretary Marisol Suarez reported that the equipment will help them carry out tasks in the plots
Penjamo/Gto News
To apply technology in agricu [...]
Security is reinforced on the limits with Queretaro
On the Operation Shield Guanajuato 149 elements and 28 vehicles from the FSPE, National Guard and Sedena were deployed in the areas bordering Quereta [...]
COFOCE reports growth in 2024
The organism reports its closing figures for 2024 and the strategic projects for 2025;
The closing by September 2024 registers 29.9 million dollar [...]
MarcaGto arrives in ‘Gifts of Hope’
The People's Government strengthens local MSMEs with new marketing spaces in the Festival to be held in Celaya
The Ministry of Economy promotes lo [...]
Operations with the CONFIA strategy are intensified
In one week, the FSPE carried out searches, arrests, and seizures of firearms and drugs in the 10 regions in which the State of Guanajuato was divide [...]