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Tag: tourism

1 6 7 8 9 10 12 80 / 119 POSTS
<strong>SMA is a City of Excellence</strong>

SMA is a City of Excellence

San Miguel de Allende wins the City of Excellence Award in the Tianguis Turístico in CDMX beating Mexico City and puebla The jury considered the c [...]
Greatness of Mexico present at Tianguis Turístico

Greatness of Mexico present at Tianguis Turístico

Governor inaugurates the Guanajuato stand at the Tianguis Turístico in Mexico City They Valle de la Independencia Wine Route is launched in the ev [...]
<strong>The Equinox is received in ‘El Coporo’</strong>

The Equinox is received in ‘El Coporo’

The Guerreros de Quetzalcoatl dance group participated in the event Visitors enjoyed the gastronomic-artisan área and new services Da click en [...]
Purisima celebrates 150 years of La Judea

Purisima celebrates 150 years of La Judea

The Judea purimense was performed for the first time in 1872. The protagonist of this tradition is the most hated and repudiated traitor of the Catho [...]
<strong>In Guanajuato the tourism sector is professionalized</strong>

In Guanajuato the tourism sector is professionalized

The International College of Professionals Specialized in Tourism and Gastronomy is constituted in Guanajuato Da click en el link al final de la n [...]
<strong>Guanajuato awaits 278,000 visitors on long weekend</strong>

Guanajuato awaits 278,000 visitors on long weekend

The forecast for the 3 main destinations of Guanajuato is: Leon 74 thousand visitors, San Miguel de Allende 26 thousand visitors and Guanajuato City [...]
<strong>Making Guanajuato more secure for tourists</strong>

Making Guanajuato more secure for tourists

A working meeting was held with hoteliers and restaurateurs from Guanajuato Capital, to launch the State Tourist Security Plan Da click en el link [...]
Tourism commits to protect the environment

Tourism commits to protect the environment

The Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato, and Dirk Glaesser, UNWTO Director of Sustainable Development of Tourism, agreed to promote the strategy for t [...]
Tourist Observatory maintains world class

Tourist Observatory maintains world class

The Tourist Observatory of the State of Guanajuato is transformed for 2023 In this 2022, the OTEG had important participations and continues in tr [...]
Celebration: 10 years of Magic

Celebration: 10 years of Magic

Guanajuato has 6 Magical Towns, which are promoted responsibly, adopting tourism as a tool for integration Salvatierra, Jalpa de Canovas and Yurir [...]
1 6 7 8 9 10 12 80 / 119 POSTS