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Tag: TecNM

TecNM Purisima goes to International Apps Tournament

TecNM Purisima goes to International Apps Tournament

The Apps have been proved in practical applications that benefit people Students of TecNM represent the institution in the University Tournament o [...]
Professors of TecNM Purisima publish in scientific magazine

Professors of TecNM Purisima publish in scientific magazine

Professors of the TecNM Campus Purisima del Rincon, publish a scientific research in magazine in the Netherlands Da click en el link al final de l [...]
Recognized, excellence of graduates of TecNM Purisima

Recognized, excellence of graduates of TecNM Purisima

The National Association of Faculties and Schools of Engineering -ANFEI- recognizes excellence of graduates of the TecNM Campus Purisima del Rincon [...]
TecNM Purisima projects are successful

TecNM Purisima projects are successful

Projects from the TecNM Campus Purisima del Rincon have done great in the local stage of the National Summit of Technological Development, Research a [...]
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