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Tag: Talent

Governor invites Guanajuatenses to be part of FIC

Governor invites Guanajuatenses to be part of FIC

The State Secretary of Culture has opened a call for artists from Guanajuato to join the International Cervantino Festival program Guanajuato/Gto [...]
Music talent is promoted in children

Music talent is promoted in children

300 students make up the Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Monumental Choir and Orchestra of the Leon Regional Delegation Since 2010, the choir and orches [...]
MarcaGto arrives in ‘Gifts of Hope’

MarcaGto arrives in ‘Gifts of Hope’

The People's Government strengthens local MSMEs with new marketing spaces in the Festival to be held in Celaya The Ministry of Economy promotes lo [...]
Guanajuato promotes entrepreneurial talent

Guanajuato promotes entrepreneurial talent

Entrepreneurs complete the formation program of the Institute of Innovation to make real the business ideas Silao/Gto News In order to recogniz [...]
Purisima presents local designs and creations

Purisima presents local designs and creations

Purisimense talents took part in the catwalk that promotes the creations of local talents and which invites to visit Purisima Da click en el link [...]
IEC’s Acercarte Program seeks talent from Guanajuato

IEC’s Acercarte Program seeks talent from Guanajuato

Artists of Guanajuato have the chance to show their talent in all the municipalities of the State Guanajuato/Gto News The State Institute of Cu [...]
Guanajuatense talent is taken to Japanese companies

Guanajuatense talent is taken to Japanese companies

The Labor Link More Japan in Guanajuato seeks to offer 1,500 wortk opportunities in a space with 170 companies of Mexican and Japanese origin Da c [...]
Students of CONALEP show their talent

Students of CONALEP show their talent

More than 200 students from CONALEP schools in Guanajuato attend the Talent GTO event Students present innovative projects and participate in conf [...]
IECA-Clutig will train staff and students

IECA-Clutig will train staff and students

Both intitutions work to cover the specialized training needs of the industry The goal is to grant everyone access to technology Da click en el [...]
Huawei joins the Valley of Mindfacture

Huawei joins the Valley of Mindfacture

Huawei and Guanajuato sign an agreement that promotes the ecosystem of innovation of the State in the Valley of Mindfacture In Guanajuato we k [...]
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