Tag: Streets
FSPE closes 2024 with results
In seven days, the State Security Forces -FSPE- carried out more than 23 thousand seizures, one of them involving more than 20 thousand liters of hyd [...]
Manuel Doblado gets more public work
On a work tour, the Governor started and delivered public works among them, paved streets in this municipality
Officials deliver solar heaters and [...]
Governor delivers infrastructure in Cueramaro
“We must close the administration strong, count on me to continue working for you", said Governor Diego Sinhue to Cueramarenses
Cuerámaro/Gto News [...]
Atarjea has more public works
Governor of Guanajuato inaugurated the 3rd stage of paving of Northeast Street, in La Tapona community
We are going to continue promoting more act [...]
Public works change lives in Purisima
Streets, infrastructure and roads are improved or constructed to benefit families and motorists in Purísima del Rincón
Purisima del Rincon/Gto New [...]
Governor delivers works in Pueblo Nuevo
Less than two and a half months before the end of his administration, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo reaffirms his commitment to working for Neopobla [...]
Governor promotes and supervises actions in Leon
Work begins in the primary school, on boulevard Timoteo Lozano, on the highway to Santa Ana del Conde and productive projects are delivered to mercha [...]
Romita has more and better infrastructure
We will continue promoting more works and actions in the neighborhoods and communities of this municipality: Gobernador
Governor delivers and supe [...]

More investment and resources for Cortazar
The State Government invests 212 MP in Avenida Insurgentes and Puente del Rio Laja to connect to the Polytechnic University of Guanajuato
29 Publi [...]

Better streets for Irapuato
State and municipality invested more than 15 million pesos in works to improve the quality of life of the people of Irapuato
Civilians receive Gre [...]