Tag: Security
Governor and SEDENA improve security in Guanajuato
Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo met with General Maximiliano Cruz Ramos, commander of the XII Military Region, which includes the states of Guanajuat [...]
‘We coordinate efforts to achieve security’
The security strategy of the three levels of government includes aerial patrols with helicopters, said Juan Mauro Gonzalez Martinez, head of the Secr [...]
The transition goes on in Security
The work team of Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini held a follow-up meeting for the handover process with the team of the next Secretary of the Agency, [...]
Federal, State and Local forces keep watch in Dolores
State, federal and municipal authorities will deploy a strong security operation for surveillance and protection during the Grito ceremony in front o [...]
Security Plan for Independence Celebration is ready
Security institutions of the three levels of government and emergency corps are preparing the surveillance and protection operation for the Fiestas P [...]
Police elements and relatives get UVEG scholarships
The Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System and the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato informed that 880 scholarships are [...]
‘Month of the Testament’ campaign begins
For more than two decades now, this campaign has become an instrument of harmony, certainty and trust for all: Governor
The cost to the general pu [...]
Leaders are trained in Security corps
The II Course on Strengthening Women's Leadership in Public Security Institutions continues, coordinated by the Executive Secretary of the State Publ [...]
Guanajuato is protected by 19,128 security elements
In Guanajuato, the coordination of the three levels of government constitutes a public security force of 19,128 elements, corresponding to a rate of [...]
US delegation visits C5i in Guanajuato
Public Safety delegation from North Carolina, USA, visits the C5i State System to learn about the use of technological tools for public safety.
Gu [...]