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Tag: science

1 6 7 8 9 10 13 80 / 123 POSTS
NASA captures large Magellanic fireworks

NASA captures large Magellanic fireworks

Resembling sparks from a fireworks display, this image taken by a JPL camera onboard NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope shows delicate filaments that are [...]
Algae as a surprising alternative for meat

Algae as a surprising alternative for meat

Algae is a surprising meat alternative and it is also a source of environmentally friendly protein. A new study has demonstrated that the ingestio [...]
Webb updates image of ringed planet Uranus

Webb updates image of ringed planet Uranus

When Voyager 2 flew past Uranus in 1986, the planet appeared to be a nearly featureless, solid blue ball. Now, Webb shows us an infrared view that is [...]
Mindfacture is an engine of Guanajuato

Mindfacture is an engine of Guanajuato

Science, innovation and entrepreneurship are some of the goals at the reunion of the Valley of Mindfacture Leon/Gto News IDEA GTO reports a suc [...]
Rocky planets can form in extreme environments

Rocky planets can form in extreme environments

An international team of astronomers has used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to provide the first observation of water and other molecules in the [...]
‘Anthrobots’, human-cell robots might help us heal

‘Anthrobots’, human-cell robots might help us heal

Tiny robots made from human cells heal damaged tissue. The ‘anthrobots’ were able to repair a scratch in a layer of neurons in the lab. Scientists [...]
Webb reveals new features in heart of Milky Way

Webb reveals new features in heart of Milky Way

The play of darkness and light in our galaxy’s crowded core is put on display like never before by the James Webb Space Telescope. A bright field [...]
A silent X-59 QueSST is now loud in colors

A silent X-59 QueSST is now loud in colors

The X-59 QueSST may be "quiet" when it breaks the sound barrier, but it now supports a loud color scheme. NASA's experimental supersonic jet is re [...]
Webb arises new thinking on planet formation

Webb arises new thinking on planet formation

In this artist concept, the young star SZ Chamaeleontis -SZ Cha- is surrounded by a disk of dust and gas with the potential to form a planetary syste [...]
Italy’s Mount Etna lava is captured from space

Italy’s Mount Etna lava is captured from space

One of the world’s most active volcanoes, Mount Etna, erupted on Sunday November 12th, spewing lava and clouds of ash high over the Mediterranean isl [...]
1 6 7 8 9 10 13 80 / 123 POSTS