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Tag: School

‘We have to work hard’

‘We have to work hard’

“As long as we are in this world, we have to work hard”, said Maria Luz who just finished her primary school with INAEBA Leon/Gto News Motivate [...]
Governor Presents School Calendar 2023-2024

Governor Presents School Calendar 2023-2024

The calendar includes celebrations for the 200 years of Guanajuato as a Free and Sovereign State My appreciation to the teachers of Guanajuato, wh [...]
‘Contigo Si’ encourages young students

‘Contigo Si’ encourages young students

SEDESHU and SEG sign an agreement to combat school desertion and educational backlog, involving institutions like INAEBA, UVEG and JUVENTUDESGTO T [...]
Students receive gadgets for their education

Students receive gadgets for their education

Laureano Brizuela, the Argentinian Singer, joined Volunteers of SEG and helped collect items for the students In San Luis de la Paz 54 indigen [...]
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