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Tag: SanFelipe

A Cavalcade for Migrants

A Cavalcade for Migrants

Governor of Guanajuato led the “First Migrant Cavalcade” from Guanajuato to San Felipe Guanajuato is committed with migrants, both, Guanajuate [...]
8th Agave Festival in Guanajuato

8th Agave Festival in Guanajuato

December 5th and 6th are the closing days at the Teatro Bicentenario in Silao, on these days the festival will have presentations of dishes, music an [...]
A law to help viniculture in Guanajuato

A law to help viniculture in Guanajuato

In the State of Guanajuato 1,500 direct jobs are generated by this delicious industry Viniculture in Guanajuato is growing and needs laws to promo [...]
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