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Tag: Salamanca

Kids go to the rescue of mesquites

Kids go to the rescue of mesquites

Mother and kids of pre-school in Salamanca work to rescue the mesquites and the local environment Salamanca/Gto News The “Beatriz Ordonez Acuna [...]
More public works for Salamanca

More public works for Salamanca

The modernization works of the Coria Canal are finished More works and actions are coming for the benefit of the inhabitants of Salamanca: Governo [...]
Gto Health System units are recognized

Gto Health System units are recognized

20 medical health units in Salamanca receive the Planet Youth Badge The Health attention centers promote the prevention against addictions Da c [...]
New Mazda CX-3 to be built in Guanajuato

New Mazda CX-3 to be built in Guanajuato

The Mazda plant in Salamanca manufactures the Mazda 2 and Mazda 3 models, sedan and hatchback, and more recently the CX-30 truck and the Yaris-R for [...]
Guanajuato invests in education

Guanajuato invests in education

The State Government builds a modern school in Valtierrilla, Salamanca The new building has new equipment that includes elevator Da click en el [...]
Salamanca has the new Foro 19.20

Salamanca has the new Foro 19.20

Governor of Guanajuato and Mayor of salamanca led the opening ceremony of the Plaza Comercial Foro 19.20. The plaza already has 75 percent of [...]
New Council of CCE Salamanca

New Council of CCE Salamanca

Diego Sinhue swears in the new Board of Directors of the CCE of Salamanca The Governor commits the support of his Administration Da click en el [...]
8th Agave Festival in Guanajuato

8th Agave Festival in Guanajuato

December 5th and 6th are the closing days at the Teatro Bicentenario in Silao, on these days the festival will have presentations of dishes, music an [...]
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