Tag: Research
Group brings investments for 13,500 MP for Guanajuato
Good results are reported after the work tour to attract investments that a group of Guanajuatense Officials made in Asia
The group was led by Gov [...]
A tire company will invest in Irapuato
The Chinese company Sailun Group announced the investment of 7,200 million pesos to create 1,400 jobs
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Juno takes a closer look at Io
The orbiter has performed 56 flybys of Jupiter and documented close encounters with three of the gas giant’s four largest moons.
NASA’s Juno spac [...]
‘Anthrobots’, human-cell robots might help us heal
Tiny robots made from human cells heal damaged tissue. The ‘anthrobots’ were able to repair a scratch in a layer of neurons in the lab.
Scientists [...]

Cells could defend against Alzheimer’s
People with an abundance of specific neurons are more likely to escape cognitive decline despite having signs of Alzheimer’s in their brains, reporte [...]

UVEG and UACJ strengthen collaboration in Academia and Research
Both promote activities related to teacher training between both institutions
The organisms unite experience to benefit their students
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Research for Health is awarded
The Health Research Forum ends to strengthen research devoted to the development needs of the medical system
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Psyche goes on, NASA to increase staff
NASA and the agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Southern California, which leads Psyche, shared a response Friday to the results of an indep [...]

Guanajuato invests in research
The Governor of Guanajuato announced the start of a support program to finance investigation and technological development in the State
Federal su [...]