Tag: queretaro
Security is reinforced on the limits with Queretaro
On the Operation Shield Guanajuato 149 elements and 28 vehicles from the FSPE, National Guard and Sedena were deployed in the areas bordering Quereta [...]
Governor and SEDENA improve security in Guanajuato
Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo met with General Maximiliano Cruz Ramos, commander of the XII Military Region, which includes the states of Guanajuat [...]
Guanajuato and Queretaro sign alliance for education
Guanajuato will contribute the Early Action System for School Permanence
The SEDEQ will offer the thematic content of the Queretaro Early Childhoo [...]
The Cervantino Cultural Days are taken to Queretaro
Guanajuato/Gto News
This Saturday, March 2, at 1 p.m., the “Cervantine Days of the MIQ” begin with the inauguration of the exhibition “Don Quixote [...]

United the aerospace sector is strengthened
IDEA GTO, Aerospace Cluster and FAMEX draw the map collaboration route to promote and go further in this sector
Da click en el link al final de la [...]

Valley of Mindfacture is transcending
Canacintra recognizes the advance and work that IDEA GTO has done in Guanajuato
The program is presented in the First National Forum of Innovation [...]

El Bajio, a referral for Latin America
The area has 157 industrial parks is working to become the center of industry and innovation
Creative thinking is promoted in all industries opera [...]

A block of 11 Governors for reactivation
The goal shared by Governors is to reactivate the economy in their States and get their citizens back in production as soon as possible
The Allian [...]
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