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Tag: Mole

Puerto Interior promotes community culture and integration

Puerto Interior promotes community culture and integration

Guanajuato Puerto Interior AC, works to preserve Mexican culinary heritage and strengthen the relationship between businesses and local communities [...]
What delicacies can you enjoy in Jalpa de Canovas?

What delicacies can you enjoy in Jalpa de Canovas?

In this Magic Town the crushed ice is traditional; there are also orchards with quince trees, walnut trees and grape vines. Don’t forget to ta [...]
‘Flavors of Guanajuato’ reach USA, Europe and Canada

‘Flavors of Guanajuato’ reach USA, Europe and Canada

COFOCE helps to make it posible that Mexicans in the United States, Europe and Canada enjoy a little of Guanajuato through Mole Rancho La California [...]
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