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Tag: Military

Authorities destroy weapons in Sarabia

Authorities destroy weapons in Sarabia

The Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, Sophia Huett Lopez and Brigadier General DEM Enrique García Jaramillo, Commander of the [...]
More military staff arrive in Guanajuato

More military staff arrive in Guanajuato

More elements of the Mexican Army join the actions against organized crime in Guanajuato The military are deployed in Irapuato, Leon, Salamanca an [...]
SEDENA sends more troops to Guanajuato

SEDENA sends more troops to Guanajuato

Up to 1,250 elements of the Joint Task Force Mexico were deployed to reinforce security in Baja California, Guanajuato and Sonora The Staff deploy [...]
Regional Task Force arrives in Guanajuato

Regional Task Force arrives in Guanajuato

The military elements come to Guanajuato to stregthen the actions for security Apaseo El Alto, Apaseo El Grande and Comonfort will receive the tas [...]
More military elements arrive in Guanajuato

More military elements arrive in Guanajuato

The Secretary of National Defense sends more elements to strengthens and improve Public Security in Guanajuato New elements are assigned to work i [...]
‘The Great Strength of Mexico’ is shown

‘The Great Strength of Mexico’ is shown

We invite Guanajuatenses and neighboring states to come to Irapuato to see this extraordinary military exhibition: Diego Sinhue. Da click en el li [...]
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