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Tag: LibiaDennise

1 215 / 15 POSTS
Governor calls to close ranks for peace in Guanajuato

Governor calls to close ranks for peace in Guanajuato

The Governor swore in the members of the State Commission of Secretaries of Public Security or their Equivalents It is important that we do this w [...]
Libia renews the Fire of Freedom

Libia renews the Fire of Freedom

Libia Dennise commemorates the 214th Anniversary of the Capture of the Alhondiga and participates in the Civic-Military parade Let's make a commit [...]
SEDESHU holds Leaders of Greatness 2023

SEDESHU holds Leaders of Greatness 2023

Libia takes the oath of young Leaders of Greatness and they commit to continue working for Guanajuato More than 3 thousand youngsters participate [...]
Progress is real in the NorthWest of Guanajuato

Progress is real in the NorthWest of Guanajuato

Secretary of SEDESHU inaugurates rehabilitated roads in San Felipe and Ocampo Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español: [...]
Libia recognizes Penjamo Police

Libia recognizes Penjamo Police

Police agents of Penjamo are being trained as part of the program “Yo Puedo, Gto Puede” Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en españ [...]
1 215 / 15 POSTS