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Tag: Leadership

Collaboration for youth is ratified

Collaboration for youth is ratified

JuventudEsGTO and Royal Roads University reinforce a collaboration that seeks to promote leadership of young Guanajuatenses, through an international [...]
Women’s leadership in security is strengthened

Women’s leadership in security is strengthened

The Second Course to Strengthen the role of women in security corps in Guanajuato started with 53 female police officers plus staff of State security [...]
Constructors are allies of development of Guanajuato

Constructors are allies of development of Guanajuato

The Secretary of Government heads the closing ceremony of the Private Works Forum “Leadership and Strategy, Construction Transition Towards 2024” [...]
Women police leadership is strengthened

Women police leadership is strengthened

The Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, and its head Sophia Huett Lopez, coordinated the course The Course for Strengthening [...]
Shoe industry has new leaders

Shoe industry has new leaders

Governor Diego Sinhue took the oath of the members of the CICEG Board of Directors Mauricio Blas Battaglia Velazquez, is the incoming president of [...]
<strong>Building leadership of women in security</strong>

Building leadership of women in security

The course on “Women's Leadership in Security Institutions” is presented The study is coordinated by the Executive Secretary of the State Public S [...]
Youngsters to develop global skills in Canada.

Youngsters to develop global skills in Canada.

JuventudEsGTO and Royal Roads University have collaborated twice to exchange talent from Guanajuato For 10 days, the winners will take the “Englis [...]
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