Tag: Indigenous
‘The Guanajuato of the future is built from the roots’
The Governor participated in the 1st Ordinary Session of the State Indigenous Council of Guanajuato 2025
10% of the Fund of Contributions -FA [...]

Teacher preserves indigenous identity
Ana Lilia is a synonymous with vocation and pride in the indigenous language and culture
The teacher takes on the daily challenge of transforming [...]

Guanajuato conserves indigenous tongues
The main languages spoken are Uza or Chichimeca Jonaz, Otomi Purepecha and Mixteco
Guanajuato bets on the preservation of mother tongues

Students receive gadgets for their education
Laureano Brizuela, the Argentinian Singer, joined Volunteers of SEG and helped collect items for the students
In San Luis de la Paz 54 indigen [...]
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