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Tag: Independence

1 2 10 / 15 POSTS
Guanajuato celebrates 200 years of freedom and sovereignty

Guanajuato celebrates 200 years of freedom and sovereignty

“We have a glorious history to continue building a present and a brilliant future; from this Free and Sovereign state, we will continue giving the be [...]
No casualties on Independence weekend

No casualties on Independence weekend

During the commemorative ceremonies of the 213th  Anniversary of the Call for Independence and the civic parades in the State of Guanajuato [...]
Migrants celebrate Independence in USA

Migrants celebrate Independence in USA

Guanajuato migrants celebrate in the United States the 213th anniversary of Mexico's Independence Da click en el link al final de la nota para lee [...]
The Independence parade returns

The Independence parade returns

Governor Diego Sinhue, authorities from the three levels of government and hundreds of families were at the parade applauding participants Civic a [...]
Governor recreates the Call from Dolores

Governor recreates the Call from Dolores

The Governor heads the ceremony of the 212th Anniversary of the Beginning of the Independence of Mexico The Governor of Guanajuato gives the tradi [...]
From where “Mexico was born”

From where “Mexico was born”

From the place where freedom was born for all of Mexico. From the Craddle of National Independence. From the original scenario where love for freedom [...]
More security actions on Independence weekend

More security actions on Independence weekend

Authorities of the three orders of government participate in the security and emergency operation during the Independence Holidays Surveillance an [...]
Mexico was born here!

Mexico was born here!

The Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato invites Mexicans to visit the State and visit the main buildings and public places that were the actual settin [...]
211 years of Independence

211 years of Independence

Diego Sinhue entrega al pueblo de Dolores una campana, réplica de la que hiciera sonar el cura Miguel Hidalgo la madrugada del 16 de septiembre de 18 [...]
The ‘Grito’ is Cultural Heritage

The ‘Grito’ is Cultural Heritage

The Governor announces a decree as Guanajuato commemorates the 200 anniversary of the End of the War for Independece in Mexico Guanajuato is t [...]
1 2 10 / 15 POSTS