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Tag: Heat

Be alert against heat effects

Be alert against heat effects

SSG reports 19 attentions related to heat in Guanajuato in the latest heat crisis to affect Guanajuato Más Gto/Guanajuato The State Health Secr [...]
Gto Health System warns against the heat

Gto Health System warns against the heat

Health Guanajuato issues recommendations to stay safe during the the hot season Guanajuato/Gto News Due to the higher temperatures throughout t [...]
Earth just had its hottest year on record

Earth just had its hottest year on record

Around 7.3 billion people faced temperatures strongly influenced by global warming over the past year, yes climate change is to blame. The past 12 [...]
Heat waves are here to stay, it seems

Heat waves are here to stay, it seems

The dog days of summer are upon us. Brutal heat waves are roasting regions around the globe, smashing records with unrelenting severity. In the so [...]
Health acts against the heat

Health acts against the heat

SSG delivers more than 138 thousand packets of Vida Suero Oral among the 46 municipalities Children and eleders should be cared for and watched [...]
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