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Tag: Guanajuatense

1 218 / 18 POSTS
‘GTO Women’s Health Pass’ is presented

‘GTO Women’s Health Pass’ is presented

The program strengthens disease prevention, promotes healthy lifestyles and gives free access for Guanajuatense women Beneficiaries will receive 1 [...]
Forum ‘A Thousand Young for Peace’ is inaugurated

Forum ‘A Thousand Young for Peace’ is inaugurated

Let's make an effort to convey what we want other people to feel positive about us: Alan Marquez Becerra Da click en el link al final de la nota p [...]
SEDESHU celebrates guanajuatense mothers in Leon

SEDESHU celebrates guanajuatense mothers in Leon

Libia Dennise Garcia celebrates a month as Secretary of Social and Human Development celebrating moms Libia announced a new program aimed especial [...]
Guanajuatenses get 97% of public works

Guanajuatenses get 97% of public works

Of the 387 contracts assigned by SICOM, 377 were for companies of Guanajuato Public works activate the economy of various sectors improving the qu [...]
In Texas 7 Guanajuatense victims reported

In Texas 7 Guanajuatense victims reported

Seven migrants from Guanajuato have been identified as victims in the trailer box in San Antonio, Texas Da click en el link al final de la nota pa [...]
Guanajuatenses compete at EnjoyAI

Guanajuatenses compete at EnjoyAI

There were teams from China, England, Malysia, The Netherlands, South Korea and Greece The 1st Edition of the EnjoyAI WhalesBot Robotics Tournamen [...]
A Guanajuatense at the NASA

A Guanajuatense at the NASA

Manuel Retana Parra works designing life support systems and control systems for the International Space Station Some of the achievments of Manuel [...]
Helping Guanajuatenses study abroad

Helping Guanajuatenses study abroad

Students are recognized at the “Talent for Export” program Hundredsw of students have been helped to go abroad and study masters or doctorates [...]
1 218 / 18 POSTS