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Tag: Goals

Guanajuato exports more than all of Argentina

Guanajuato exports more than all of Argentina

Guillermo Romero Pacheco talked about the good pace as productor and exporter of Guanajuato and about the goals of attraction of investments of Leon [...]
Guanajuato estimates 8 billion dollars in investment

Guanajuato estimates 8 billion dollars in investment

The State Government creates the conditions for companies to generate new jobs Its competitive advantages make it a competitive State to do Busine [...]
APIMEX closes 2023 with positive results

APIMEX closes 2023 with positive results

The organism establishes training and certification as a priority for 2024 APIMEX associates bet on exports and diversification Leon/Gto News [...]
COFOCE closes 2023 and presents goals for 2024

COFOCE closes 2023 and presents goals for 2024

September 2023 finished with a positive figure of 27.6 million dollars in exports The organism reports closing of 2023 figures and announces strat [...]
Marca GTO exceeds 2023 goal by 40%

Marca GTO exceeds 2023 goal by 40%

If we privilege what is produced in Guanajuato strengthens and reactivates the internal economy The jobs of Guanajuatense entrepreneurial families [...]
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