Tag: Future
All are called to create the anthem of Guanajuato
The anthem must represent the past, the present and the future of Guanajuato, its identity and pride
Guanajuato/Gto News
The Celebrations Commi [...]
Guanajuato trains leaders for the future
“+ Guanajuato in the world” recognized the positive results of the strategy, with activities for young Guanajuatenses
JuventudEsGTO opens the door [...]

Women in the Industry of the Future are trained
The 4th Industrial Revolution takes Guanajuato directly to Mindfacture, and that needs qualified personnel and women are already being trained
Da [...]

Securing the future of States
Governors of Nuevo Leon, Yucatan and Guanajuato share opinions about the future in the panel “Infrastructure from the State Vision”
The future of [...]

Governor presents ‘A Guanajuato with Future and Innovation’
Governor meets with members of CANACO-Servytur of Leon
Rodriguez Vallejo gives a talk to the directors of the business organization.
Da click e [...]
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