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Tag: Financing

1 2 3 10 / 22 POSTS
Great demand for aid at Tu Puedes Guanajuato

Great demand for aid at Tu Puedes Guanajuato

4,500 people have requested information on financing and support to start and grow their businesses The Financing and Support Tu Puede Guanajuato [...]
We work together for Apaseo El Grande: Libia

We work together for Apaseo El Grande: Libia

The well-being of Guanajuato is a task of teamwork by the State and Municipalities The Governor delivers support to productive sectors of the Muni [...]
Libia presents Financiera ‘Tu Puedes Guanajuato’

Libia presents Financiera ‘Tu Puedes Guanajuato’

This financial institution works to provide financing and support to the sectors most neglected by traditional financial institutions "If a bank w [...]
‘The Guanajuato of the future is built from the roots’

‘The Guanajuato of the future is built from the roots’

The Governor participated in the 1st Ordinary Session of the State Indigenous Council of Guanajuato 2025 10% of the Fund of Contributions -FA [...]
Libia presents caravans CONMIGOBERNADORA

Libia presents caravans CONMIGOBERNADORA

We will consolidate projects in 2025 in the 46 municipalities; the first Pink Cards will be handed out; and the Tu Puedes Guanajuato Financing and Su [...]
Entrepreneurs are engine of prosperity in Guanajuato

Entrepreneurs are engine of prosperity in Guanajuato

The People's Government works to improve the lives of Guanajuatenses with self-employment projects The Secretary of Economy provides in-kind suppo [...]
People’s Government serves residents of Jerecuaro and Acambaro

People’s Government serves residents of Jerecuaro and Acambaro

State authorities are sending messages of support and solidarity to those affected and supervise clean-up and repair works The Secretary of Govern [...]
Fondos Guanajuato funds development of Guanajuato

Fondos Guanajuato funds development of Guanajuato

By August, Fondos Guanajuato exceeded $325 million in financing Guanajuato/Gto News In the first eight months of this year 2024, Fondos Guanaju [...]
Governor delivers infrastructure in Cueramaro

Governor delivers infrastructure in Cueramaro

“We must close the administration strong, count on me to continue working for you", said Governor Diego Sinhue to Cueramarenses Cuerámaro/Gto News [...]
Entrepreneurs are supported in Guanajuato

Entrepreneurs are supported in Guanajuato

Guanajuato Funds offered more than 10.17 million pesos for 105 credits Leon/Gto News “There is no better way to invest than in people who belie [...]
1 2 3 10 / 22 POSTS