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Tag: Feature

Strategies are improved studying Singapore

Strategies are improved studying Singapore

Members of the State Government, the Mayors of Irapuato and of Celaya, visit Singapore The group will work to know strategies of economic developm [...]
Economic reactivation, a challenge of all

Economic reactivation, a challenge of all

Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, heads the inauguration of the IMEF 2022 Forum "Business Challenges, a New Economic Reality" Maintaining a strong [...]
Guanajuato finances economic activity

Guanajuato finances economic activity

Government of Diego Sinhue exceeds 2 billion pesos in financing from Guanajuato Funds Up to 18.579 credits have been granted to help Guanajuatense [...]
Investment to reactivate Leon

Investment to reactivate Leon

10 great public works are announced to solve traffic in the City, some on Airport boulevard and other on the Malecon del Rio for example Streets, [...]
Pushing economic reactivation of Leon

Pushing economic reactivation of Leon

The Governor Diego Sinhue announced public works and actions for Leon for an amount of 889 million pesos for 2022 The Municipality of León launche [...]
A constant economic reactivation

A constant economic reactivation

Guanajuato is in a process of economic recovery for the fourth month in a row after the hard blow of the Covid 19 pandemic The economic strategies [...]
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