Tag: Effort
The combined efforts make us strong: Libia
The People's Government, Irapuato and entrepreneurs members of the CCEI sign the agreement "For a Socially Responsible Guanajuato”
Irapuato/Gto Ne [...]
The State joins effort with the tourism sector
SECTURI, Municipality and Hoteliers of Guanajuato City join efforts and public and private sectors united strengthen ties of collaboration in tourism [...]
Mid Superior education is strengthened
CONALEP Guanajuato and SEG authorities are working on strategies to improve education, increase school enrollment and retention of students
Salama [...]
Migrants and State join effort and resources
Guanajuatense migrants and the State Government invest more than 10 million pesos in works for San Diego de la Union
San Diego de la Union/Gto New [...]

Guanajuato and CONCAMIN join efforts
Libia Dennise takes part of the extraordinary meeting of CONCAMIN Bajio in Leon
Both parts agree to join efforts to care for vulnerable sectors

All join efforts for security
Security in Guanajuato is built not only from the institutions but also in coordination and communication with the different sectors and in alliance [...]

Efforts are joined for migrants
Guanajuato is a permanent ally of Mexican migrants and their families.
Guanajuato registers its actions for migrants through the Indicators of Gov [...]

Guanajuato gets prize “Innovation in Transparency 2021”
The Project “Budgetary Transparency 360º, Citizens Budget for Accountability and Empowerment of Citizens and Evaluation of Results of Spending”, the [...]
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