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Tag: education

1 7 8 9 10 11 12 90 / 118 POSTS
In Tierra Blanca ‘We are here to serve’

In Tierra Blanca ‘We are here to serve’

Governor delivers hydraulic and road works in Tierra Blanca It is about coming, listening and coming back for the people: Governor Da click en [...]
<strong>Leon trains more police</strong> officers

Leon trains more police officers

The Police Academy graduates are an example to follow, for being part of the solution to security problems and not being part of the problem: Sophia [...]
<strong>Entrepreneurship promoted in students</strong>

Entrepreneurship promoted in students

IDEA GTO and CECYTE Guanajuato present entrepreneurship strategy for students The use of entrepreneurial tools and skills is promoted in young peo [...]
<strong>More than 1,000 million pesos for educat</strong>ion

More than 1,000 million pesos for education

Education is essential for life, to achieve our dreams: Diego Sinhue Governor delivers works and actions to benefit the citizens of Dolores Hidalg [...]
It is never late for education

It is never late for education

92-year-old silaoan concludes primary school with INAEBA 21 Guanajuatenses aged 90 and over learned to read, write, or earned their primary a [...]
Commitment with Motherland and State is renovated

Commitment with Motherland and State is renovated

The Mexican flag is honored in a civic event in Leon, with the participation of the SEG The Education delegate calls to preserve the values ​​and [...]
<strong>‘Brighter Futures’ students graduate</strong>

‘Brighter Futures’ students graduate

208 students graduate from the Brighter Futures program The best investment we make in Guanajuato is in education: Governor Da click en el link [...]
<strong>A surprise on February 14th</strong>

A surprise on February 14th

Jorge Olmos, a worker in the footwear industry, certified secondary school with INAEBA He will tell his family about his achievement on February 1 [...]
<strong>Schools are made more secure</strong>

Schools are made more secure

SEG adopts strategies so that schools continue to be the safest and healthiest spaces Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español [...]
Finish elemental education in the Leon Fair

Finish elemental education in the Leon Fair

In addition, incorporation into educational programs is offered so that people aged 15 and over learn to read, write You can certify primary [...]
1 7 8 9 10 11 12 90 / 118 POSTS