Tag: education
UTL makes dreams come true for students
UTL becomes an educational quality option for the young Guanajuatenses
Leon/Gto News
The Technological University of Leon reaffirms its commitm [...]
Technologic students to do social service at INAEBA
Young students from Technological Institutes in Guanajuato will be able to provide their social service at INAEBA. Working group held to define the c [...]
Guanajuato reduces backlog in education
Thanks to the alliance of INAEBA and the Plaza Mayor Foundation, more people have managed to obtain their basic education certifi [...]
Mid Superior education is strengthened
CONALEP Guanajuato and SEG authorities are working on strategies to improve education, increase school enrollment and retention of students
Salama [...]
UTL and CICEG sign agreement
The strategic accord has as its objective to promote dual training among the staff in the footwear sector
Leon/Gto News
The Technological Unive [...]
State invests in infrastructure for education in León
With these actions, SOP and SEG fulfill the commitment of Governor Libia Dennise to ensure that all children have access to education
The institut [...]
Music talent is promoted in children
300 students make up the Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Monumental Choir and Orchestra of the Leon Regional Delegation
Since 2010, the choir and orches [...]
Academia Juventudes, an ally for development
Those interested will be able to access online, you can progress at your own pace and access podcasts, courses, workshops and education capsules
M [...]
Guanajuato bets on professionalization of the young
The State Government has designed public policies that guarantee young people access to decent jobs and promote their comprehensive development
Gu [...]
Libia presents ‘ALIADAS, Universal Women’s Program’
The strategy integrates 20 main programs, organized into the themes of Economy, Health and Sport, Life without Violence, Education and Care
The fi [...]