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Tag: Companies

1 2 3 434 / 34 POSTS
Training for a better workforce

Training for a better workforce

The development of competencies and talent the productive sector and human skills are promoted in Guanajuato Workers of companies in the produ [...]
Guanajuato closes 2020 with investment

Guanajuato closes 2020 with investment

Even amid the Covid 19 crisis new investments were secured for Guanajuato Global Companies trust in Guanajuato The new agreements are within an [...]
A constant economic reactivation

A constant economic reactivation

Guanajuato is in a process of economic recovery for the fourth month in a row after the hard blow of the Covid 19 pandemic The economic strategies [...]
More companies come to Guanajuato

More companies come to Guanajuato

Trasvase starts operations at the cargo area of Ferroenlaces, Gentherm exports for Premium vehicles Gentherm has more jobs in its plans for 2021 [...]
1 2 3 434 / 34 POSTS