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Tag: Communication

Atarjea has more public works

Atarjea has more public works

Governor of Guanajuato inaugurated the 3rd stage of paving of Northeast Street, in La Tapona community We are going to continue promoting more act [...]
Whale-SETI communicate

Whale-SETI communicate

Groundbreaking encounter with Humpback whales reveals potential for non-human intelligence communication. A team of scientists from the SETI Insti [...]
Governor hails economic growth in San Luis de La Paz

Governor hails economic growth in San Luis de La Paz

This area, which will also grow in tourism, will be very important in the coming decades for Guanajuato: Diego Sinhue Ludovicenses receive more so [...]
Guanajuato reinforces municipal Police Corps

Guanajuato reinforces municipal Police Corps

The State Government strengthens the local public security forces Equipment is delivered to the local police forces of 16 municipalities in Region [...]
Modernization of Malecon is awarded

Modernization of Malecon is awarded

Next stage of modernization of the Malecon del Rio in Leon, will start by the end of April They allocate 113.9 million pesos to modernize one of t [...]
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