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Tag: Cluster

Together we will go on: Governor

Together we will go on: Governor

We are allies in thi sectror, said Libia Dennise at the Guanajuato Automotive Cluster Annual Meeting Silao/Gto News Governor Libia Dennise Garc [...]
Christmas Tree Cluster, a festive makeover

Christmas Tree Cluster, a festive makeover

'Tis the season for holiday-themed star clusters. We've all looked for shapes in Earth's clouds. But what about shapes in space clouds? If you gla [...]
Trends and Design at the Bicentenario

Trends and Design at the Bicentenario

The event Trends & Design Fashion Forum promotes the fashion that is produced in Guanajuato The supply, tannery, shoe, leather-goods, clothing [...]
Pandora as an unprobable ally of scientists

Pandora as an unprobable ally of scientists

Astronomers estimate 50,000 sources of near-infrared light are represented in this image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, reported NASA. Th [...]
There is a new Constructors Industry Cluster

There is a new Constructors Industry Cluster

In Guanajuato the Cluster is focused to all the chain and actors of the construction industry The group will work to add support and value to [...]
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