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Tag: Better Living

1 2 10 / 15 POSTS
Fines are paid in Leon by completing basic education

Fines are paid in Leon by completing basic education

Traffic offenders in Leon complete their basic education and pay their traffic fine by studying Leon/Gto News The Institute of Literacy and Bas [...]
Atarjea has more public works

Atarjea has more public works

Governor of Guanajuato inaugurated the 3rd stage of paving of Northeast Street, in La Tapona community We are going to continue promoting more act [...]
SSPEG participates in presentation of Special Tactical Group

SSPEG participates in presentation of Special Tactical Group

In Leon the Secretary of State Security, Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini participates in the ceremony for the presentation of the Special Police Group [...]
First Generation of Prepa Pro completes its education

First Generation of Prepa Pro completes its education

55 young students from San Felipe, San Diego de la Unión and Dolores Hidalgo receive their proof of studies San Felipe/Gto News With great emot [...]
IECA opens training center at Centro Fox

IECA opens training center at Centro Fox

The training began with the decoration of the charro hat and wallets. Training will also be offered to companies and students in the region San Fr [...]
Romita has more and better infrastructure

Romita has more and better infrastructure

We will continue promoting more works and actions in the neighborhoods and communities of this municipality: Gobernador Governor delivers and supe [...]
INFOSPE: 30 years improving Public Security

INFOSPE: 30 years improving Public Security

“It has been 30 years of innovating and strengthening its professionalization model to have more trained, more responsible and more effective element [...]
Guanajuato with less intentional homicides

Guanajuato with less intentional homicides

The state of Guanajuato reduces intentional homicides above the national average. In 2023 the state decrease is 4.79 percent and at the national leve [...]
Governor announces more infrastructure for Penjamo

Governor announces more infrastructure for Penjamo

We are going to do more works this year in Penjamo: Governor The Governor starts and supervises works in the Municipality Penjamo/Gto News T [...]
Guanajuato supports farmers

Guanajuato supports farmers

The first delivery of the promised economic support was madedue to the unfavorable sale of their harvest The State of Guanajuato delivers support [...]
1 2 10 / 15 POSTS