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Tag: Apoyo

Muestran jóvenes su apoyo a Libia

Muestran jóvenes su apoyo a Libia

Durante el Libia Fest en Irapuato los jóvenes militantes y simpatizantes entregaron sus propuestas a la Precandidata a la Gubernatura por el partido [...]
State Government works to bring back Guanajuatenses

State Government works to bring back Guanajuatenses

The SMEI maintains communication with SEDENA, SRE and the Mexican Embassy in Israel, to collaborate and support in safeguarding the integrity of Guan [...]
JuventudEsGTO reaffirms commitment with UPB

JuventudEsGTO reaffirms commitment with UPB

Students of the Bicentennial Polytechnic University  will be able to participate in the activities, programs and calls launched by the institute [...]
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