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Tag: Access

60 UVEG tele-schools will have broadband internert

60 UVEG tele-schools will have broadband internert

The schools are located in 16 municipalities of Guanajuato. This action will be carried out through the signing of an agreement of SICOM and UVEG [...]
Guanajuato guarantees access to medicines

Guanajuato guarantees access to medicines

The supply of medicines is guaranteed for Guanajuatense residents without rights The program provides comprehensive care for obesity, overweight, [...]
Access to Foro Mazda is controlled

Access to Foro Mazda is controlled

Braceletes to acces will be given the day before each concert for locals and there will be 4 ways for out of town visitors to get their bracelets [...]
Students get devices to study

Students get devices to study

A program by SEG and entrepreneurs in the North East region of Guanajuato gives access to 'in the distance education' Teachers were handy to help [...]
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