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<strong>Sustainable Energy Transformation plan is launched</strong>

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Sustainable Energy Transformation plan is launched

The energy transformation of small and medium-sized companies will have a positive impact, said the Governor The launching of this project will be

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The energy transformation of small and medium-sized companies will have a positive impact, said the Governor

The launching of this project will benefit 15 companies

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Leon/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, led the launch of the joint initiative Sustainable Energy Transformation of Small and Medium Enterprises –SMEs- in Guanajuato in order to trigger investments focused on the energy sustainability of the State.

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“With the support of an institution that is a friend of Guanajuato, such as the German Cooperation Agency for Sustainable Development, this initiative that will positively impact the energy transformation of small and medium-sized companies is being launched”, said the Governor.

As a start to this project, up to 15 companies will be benefitted with an energy diagnosis at no cost, said the Governor.

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The benefits of this initiative for small and medium-sized companies are:

  • First, economic, since great savings can be obtained, which is basic for a business
  • Second, with these savings, the financial capacity of companies can be strengthened, making them more resilient to changes in the environment and as they face economic difficulties
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As they become more competitive companies, there are greater possibilities of progress for the owner and his workers. Another benefit is that they become a socially responsible company that takes care of the environment. And the use of clean energy is promoted.

For all this, the Governor thanked the German Agency for Sustainable Development Cooperation for its invaluable support.

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This initiative adds to the “Clean Energy” Program of Guanajuato Funds that was presented last year. A program that grants loans to MSMEs, whether natural or legal persons, whose business activity is artisanal, agro-industrial, industrial, commercial and services, so that they can acquire solar panels.

With these programs and initiatives, Guanajuato is once again at the national forefront in supporting the use of clean energy, said the Governor.

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Starting March 6 and until March 24, interested SMEs may register through the proocess defined by SMAOT. On March 31, the selected SMEs will be announced and they will be contacted to have their energy diagnosis done. They will also be given support to request financing from Guanajuato Funds and start enjoying the benefits in energy savings this year.

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